Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
"Bransle" - Performance Speed
"Bransle" (First Line) Practice Speed
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Final Review
25 multiple choice questions – 2 pts each
5 short answers – 5 pts each
3 notational assignments – 5 pts each
The final will tend to emphasize material covered in the second half of class. However it is cumulative and you will need to know all the concept and vocabulary in order to understand and answer questions.
Test will cover these basic areas of music:
Note Duration
Notes and Rests
Duple meter
Triple Meter
Common time
Compound Meter
Know the difference between beat at rhythm.
Need to know what kind of meter common time, 2/4. 3/4 and 4/4 are. Need to know where the accents fall in each.
Need to know which of the terminology associated with tempo means fast and which means slow
Accidentals – sharps and flats
Grand Staff
Ledger lines
Treble Clef
Bass Clef
Will need to be able to identify the notes on the keyboard.
Know which keys have two have two names.
Need to know the purpose of solfege.
Need to know what the terms do. home note and tonic have in common
Will need to know the difference between transposition and modulation.
Half note/whole note
Chromatic Scale
Pentatonic Scale
Blues scale
Know that a scale, any scale, is a specific pattern of steps or intervals encompasing an octave. Also know that an interval is the distance between any two notes – half step is the difference between any two ascending or descending keys on the piano and a whole step is two half steps.
Will need to know that the arrangement of whole and half steps in any major diatonic scale.
Need to know what notes are flatted in the natural minor scale.
Need to know how many notes a pentatonic, diatonic and chromatic scale have.
1-IV-V harmony
Major and Minor Triads
Root Position
Need to know what harmony is.
Need to know the difference between a minor and major triad.
Need to know what inversions are (I will not ask you make some).
Resolution – a melodic and harmonic idea of return to the home note or key.
Polyphony – more than one melodic line at one time
Chord Progression
Need to know what the conventions of melodic compositions are.
12 bar blues
Sonata Form
The blues
Country Music
Folk music
Need to be able to define form in music.
Need to describe the elements that make up the sonata form.
Need to be able to describe elements of a blues song.
Need to be able to define Opera terminology including Overture, Aria, Recitative and Libretto.
Dynamics and articulation
Mezzo Forte
Legato and staccato
Need to understand the difference between dynamics and articulation and the purpose of each.
Other terms:
Race records
Will need to know a few basic history facts:
The first instrument was the voice
The first large scale vocal music form that told a story (and so was a forerunner of opera) was the Roman Catholic Mass.
Early musicians were amateurs of the knightly class.
Opera became on of the first commercial viable forms of entertainment. As such all of the things that follow comercialization including an expansion of size and scope, level of melodrama, star culture and a seperation between performers and audience evolved.
The blues evolved from work songs, church music and the attempt by blacks to marry their African pentatonic ideas about melody to the Western scale. The blues were an important musical development because they represent a statement of individual identity.
The two important inventions that preceded Rock and Roll were the recording device and electric instruments – especially the guitar.
Rock and roll evolved from the following popular forms: Blues, Gospel, Country and Western and later Folk.
The most important folk musician in the 20th century was Woody Guthrie.
See you all on Monday!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Monday's Quiz
Have a good weekend.
Style Guide for Concert Review
Each concert review should be 1-2 typed pages and should include:
The name of the performer or performers
The date and venue
What kind of music was it?
What was the instrumentation?
What was the repertoire (what selections did they perform?)
How was the set organized – fast followed by ballads? New Material verses old favorites? Did this organization contribute to the success or failure?
Critical analysis – this is the part where you say what you thought, but saying “it was great” will not be enough. If it is someone you have seen before how did it compare to previous experiences? If it was a new kind of music to you, what did you think? How could the performance have been better? You should try to touch on some of the things we talked about in class.
Style Guide for Analysis Paper
You should evaluate one of the songs on your list. (A few of you never turned one in). Identify the name of the song, the composer or band, the name of the album and the year the song was released.
Tell me something about the following:
Rhythm (including meter and tempo)
Melody/Tonality – not all popular music has an easy to identify melody, but there will still be issues of phrasing, repetition
Form/Genre – this would include the ethnomusicological flavor. But it is not enough to say it’s Latin – why does it feel Latin?
Timbre/Instrumentation – what kinds of sound colors do you hear? If there are vocals are they pretty, harsh, syllabic and melismatic.
The hooks – what musical devices are used to grab uyou and pull into the some.
Also talk about the structure – is it strophic (a song with repeating melody and different verses).
Summary – how does it all add up to making a song you like.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Assignment for Next Wednesday
Just to remind you -- your homework for Wednesday is to write a short answer to these three questions:
What role does music play in your life?
What did you learn about music in the 160 class this quarter that you found useful or interesting?
What would you like to have learned more about?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Schedule of Concerts at Cal State LA
Many of those events are listed on the department web site. Click calendar.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Howlin' Wolf - How Many More Years
Just for fun -- here's Howlin' Wolf explaining the blues and then playing "How Many More Years." How many elements of 12 bar blues form can you find?
Extra credit assignment
Write a short essay (one paragraph) on each of the following topics:
1. In class we have been discussing several conventions composers use in creating melody. Name three of these conventions and discuss what they contribute to to successful melody.
2. What are accidentals? Name the three we have been using in class and explain how they work and why they are used.
In order to receive extra credit your assignment must:
-- be typed
-- use correct grammar and complete sentences (no bullet points)
-- demonstrate a real understanding of the concepts (hint -- if you didn't take notes, look it up).
-- be turned in on Wednesday. No late submissions will be accepted.
New homework policy
Speaking of homework don't forget about the assignment for Wednesday. You are to write a blues lyric using the AAB formula we learned in class today.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Help telling minor from major
Sample 1 -- Major
Sample 2 -- Major
Sample 3 -- Minor
Sample 4 -- Minor
Sample 5 -- Minor
Sample 6 -- Major
Monday, May 4, 2009
Midterm Review
Durational values of notes and rests
Bass and Treble clef pitch names
The conventions of composition
Rhythm vs. beat
Duple and Triple Meter
Accents and where they fall
Major vs. Minor
Chromatic, diatonic and pentatonic scales -- how many notes in each
Transposition of triads
You should also be able to define the following:
Half Step
Whole Step
Consult your notes and check the internet if necessary. See you Wednesday!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Melody Assignment
1. should be written in C pentatonic. That is a C diatonic scale with the 4th and 7th taken out.
2. should have a range from middle C to the A above the treble staff.
3. should resolve to the home note.
4. should have an interesting rhythm that repeats but also has some variety. You can use any of the note or rest durations we have talked about in class, but you don't need to make it to complicated.
5. should have contour.
6. should be in 4/4 time.
Don't forget to retain a copy in your notes for continuing development. See you on Monday.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Latin Jazz Ensemble Performance this Saturday
As I mentioned in class be sure and get a program to help you write your paper later. I will give you a style guide next week, but things like the name of the venue, what songs were played, the date and time of the show will all be required information.
Monday, April 20, 2009
D Major triad with two inversions
Here's the same thing in D major. Notice the position of the F# in the inversions.
C Major triad with 2 inversions
Here is a C major triad in root position followed by a first and second inversion. Notice how in the first inversion the 3rd note - E - is in the root position and in the second inversion the 5th - G - moves to the root.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Third Street Music -- D Major Diatonic Scale
Here's the Diatonic Major Scale with D as a home note. Notice the two sharps? They are necessary in order to maintain the whole step-half step relationship.
Third Street Music - C major Scale
Just for reference here is what a Diatonic C major scales looks like. Can you spot the half steps?
160 Ensemble -- "Bransle"
Monday, April 13, 2009
Bransle - Part 2
Bransle - First Part
Monday's assignment
1. Transpose the C scale into D and F. Be sure and use the whole step/half step formula we learned in class. Indicate the sharp or sharps (in D) or flat/flats (F) with accidentals in front of the appropriate notes.
2. Transpose Mary Had A Little Lamb from the key of G as it appears in the Do It book, into the key of F. Again be sure and indicate any accidentals (in the key of F they would be flats).
3. Practice both parts of the Bransle in 4/4. I will post audio of each part on this blog tonight.
See you all on Wednesday.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Online Keyboard Link
Click keyboard
Those of you who have access to a piano or other keyboard are encouraged to use them as well. Remember, it's music -- if it sounds right, it probably is right.
More Compound Meter Information
Click on meter
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Worksheet 2 -- audio sample 1
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Rest equivalent chart
Note tree
Monday, March 30, 2009
Music 160 worksheet 1 - samples 5-8
Music 160 worksheet 1 - samples 1-4
Link to Free Sheet Music
Welcome to Music 160 for Spring '09
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen
Section 1 Students -- just for fun here's a clip of the "folk song" we listened to in class.
Study hard and have a good weekend!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Eric Clapton playing Robert Johnson
Here's another clip of Eric Clapton doing a Robert Johnson song, "Terraplane Blues."
B.B. King - The Thrill Is Gone: 1993/Live At B.B. King's Blues Club, Blues Summit
Section 1 students -- see if you can apply what you learned today about 12 bar blues for in analyzing this B.B. King Classic
Friday, February 13, 2009
Live Music Assignment
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Samples list answers
Brown Sugar-Rolling Stones
Here's some video on the Stones song we listened to in class from 1971. Side note -- the saxophone soloist here is Bobby Keyes, who also played on the record.
Sample 1
D Major triad with two inversions
Here's the D major with two inversions. Notice that the F# moves from the middle to the bottom to the top.
When you are inverting triads with accidentals make sure the accidentals travel.
C Major triad with 2 inversions
Section 1 students -- here's a C major triad beginning on middle C and 2 inversions. Notice that with each inversion the note that was in the root or bottom position is moved to the top.
For extra practice try notating this of staff paper.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Key Signature Chart

Friday, January 23, 2009
Bransle - Part 2
Bransle - First Part
Sunday, January 18, 2009
More About Major Diatonic Scales

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Online Keyboard Link
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Link to Compound Meter Site
Monday, January 12, 2009
Track 11 - "Mary Had A Little Lamb" rock
This version corresponds to track 11 on your CD. Again this is posted for temporary practice purposes only. DO NOT DOWNLOAD.
Track 10 - "Mary Had A Little Lamb" reggae
Again, for temporary practice purposes only. DO NOT DOWNLOAD.
Track 9 - "Mary Had A Little Lamb" bluegrass
This track is for temporary practice purposes only. DO NOT DOWNLOAD.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Music 160 W/S 2 - samples 1-3
Music 160 W/S 1 - samples 1-4
Rest equivalent chart
Music Note Tree